February is always a busy month at our house. Lots of fun stuff. Mark turned 32 this year on Feb. 7th. I cannot believe he is 32. Wow, time has definitely flown by since that day I first met Mark (he was 17)!! Jonathan and I went to Kroger to pick out a cake for Mark. Jonathan picked out this Batman cake. He was very insistent and it was quite funny. Especially since he has never seen a Batman show and because his Daddy is really more of a Superman fan. But, nonetheless, we went with it and bought matching plates, cups, and party hats/masks. Party hats are a MUST in Jonathan’s mind anyway. Grandma and Paw Paw were here to celebrate Mark’s birthday with us. They brought him a couple of fun presents. Jonathan and I’s present to Mark is a trip to Cape Canaveral in April for a Space Shuttle Launch. This is the last year that the shuttle will launch and Mark has always wanted to go. Unfortunately, I have NO leave from work, so I will not be able to go. But his Dad is going with him so they will have a good time. (Blog post about that to follow I’m sure!)
Mark’s birthday was also the day of this year’s Superbowl. We invited some friends over to watch the game with us and cheer on the Saints to victory! Not everyone was for the Saints, but we compromised with special seating for those fans (in the bathroom). We had a King Cake Fed-Ex’ed in from New Orleans and I even tried out a few new recipes that were a ton of fun. Jonathan had a great time playing with baby Kate, Megan, and Katie. They are all such good friends and we are so lucky to have them around our little man.
Valentine’s Day was an absolute blast. Jonathan had a Valentine Day party at school. Any excuse for a party, food, and candy is always a good thing right?!?! Check out the loot he came home from preschool with. It is absolutely crazy! Mark and Jonathan got me a beautiful bouquet of flowers and some great cards. I got Jonathan this super cute shirt at Old Navy. The Ladies Love Me, how cute is that!
We drove to OKC on V-day for a doctor’s appointment Monday morning. What would a holiday be without a drive to Oklahoma? Seriously, we have driven there on Easter, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, etc. Jonathan had a great check-up with the doctor and we do not have to go back to Oklahoma for an entire year! That is just crazy to even type. I cannot believe it! But I know that God has heard our prayers and is healing my sweet baby. I am so very, very thankful for this blessing. Jonathan had fun at the hospital as they had PA students doing art projects with the kids in the waiting rooms. Jonathan got a weed eater from Toys ‘R Us as a special prize for doing so well at his appointments.
Fortunately, Mrs. Valerie, who owned Gymboree, is going to continue doing a movement class at Jonathan’s preschool. He loves going to this with his friends as well.
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