Jonathan’s preschool celebrated Arkansas Children’s Week on April 19-23rd. Each day had a theme. Jonathan and I had a blast coming up with different outfits for him to wear each week.
Monday was INSIDE-OUT DAY. He wore his pants, shirt, hat, socks, and even his underwear inside-out! He thought it was hilarious!
Tuesday was 80’s DAY. Let me tell you, this one was a challenge. I asked everyone and just couldn’t think of any good ideas. And then, we finally had one. Put a rat tail in his hair. It was a priceless idea and we did it up right. We went to Walgreens with the plan to buy some fake hair. That stuff is $18.99!! Needless to say, we didn’t buy that. What we did buy was a $3.99 baby doll and cut off one of it’s pony tails. Much cheaper and actually matched his hair better anyway. That night I was trying to decide
what clothes to wear. I pulled out his Blue Angels t-shirt from this summer in Pensacola. I put labels on the back, “Maverick,” “Goose,” “Viper,” “Iceman,” and “Jester.” In case you didn’t get it, they are the call signs for the movie Top Gun. How much more 80’s can you get!?!? Anyway, it was hilarious. Jonathan absolutely HATED the rat tail, but it was so great. Everyone loved it. They had an 80’s Dance Party that morning as well. Jonathan rocked it out in his outfit and was even brave enough to ask his main girl Nasya for a dance!
Wednesday was BOOK CHARACTER DAY. Jonathan (with a little encouragement from Mommy) decided that he wanted to be Curious George. This was great as he had an outfit and I didn’t have to come up with anything for him to wear. He brought one of his favorite Curious George books with him to school. That morning, each class went on a parade through the halls with their outfits on. It is always so fun to watch all the kids having fun.
Thursday was ARKANSAS CHILDREN’S DAY AND PICNIC. The kids wore their Arkansas Children’s Week t-shirts and then their class went to a different playground for a special treat. After playing for a while, they had a picnic on the grass with a sack lunch.
Friday was PAJAMA Day. I had a cute set of Mickey Mouse pajamas set out, but Jonathan insisted on his alligator ones instead. He still looked cute, but the pants are getting a little short! The boy is just soooo tall!!
Mark and Jonathan also began PROJECT FENCE this month! Let me tell you, this is one never-ending project! My boys have been having a blast doing manly things outside. When we moved into our house, the fence in the back and on one side was complete. But, we were still missing one side and the small parts to the house itself. It has never really been a concern, but now that Jonathan is older, he is wanting to spend more time outside.
Soooo, fence it is! Mark has done a ton of research and decided that he could build the fence himself. So, he is, with a little help from a three year old, and a little supervision from the Mommy! Mark has been traveling so much and it has been raining so much that the project is dragging out, but they are having fun, so it is well worth it. This project has also given Mark an excuse to buy and use several tools with his air compressor (Christmas present). Here are a few pictures from the beginning of the project. More pictures to follow when the fence is completed…hopefully soon!!
The Thursday of Arkansas Children’s Week, Jonathan and I had a play date at a little park with Mrs. Edie, Ali, and Asa. The kids had a wonderful time playing together. Edie and I had a great time talking, as we always do!!
Well, I tend to ramble on, so I will stop this post now! Plenty more to say, show, but it will wait. Time to put a little man down for his nap! Happy weekend everyone!
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