Friday, June 27, 2008
Eighteen Month Checkup
As usual for Jonathan, he is at the 50th percentile for weight and above the 95th percentile for height!! He weighs 27 pounds 12.5 ounces and is 35 1/2 inches tall. My baby is almost THREE FEET TALL!! I cannot believe that. And I wonder why my knee hurts with him sitting on my hip. The check-up went really well. Dr. Lu said all looked good. Jonathan did have to get one immunization. He was not impressed and definitely not happy with the nurse. He immediately pulled the band-aid off his leg, and then walked out of the office telling everyone he had a "boo-boo."
Dr. Lu also said we could go ahead and turn Jonathan's car seat around. He is in a convertible seat that is rated to 30 pounds in rear-facing. The car seat experts at Children's Hospital had recommended that we keep him rear-facing as long as possible for safety. The problem now is that he is so long that his little legs are all bent up in the seat. Dr. Lu said it was ok to go ahead and turn him around. So I am finally ready to concede the point. We are going to turn the seat around tomorrow. I wonder what Jonathan will think about seeing where he is going for the very first time?
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Where Did It Go?
Mark's Dad came to visit last week. I thought Jonathan was going to take me out trying to get to his Paw Paw when he got here. It was so sweet. They played and played. Each night, Paw Paw went to bed about the same time Jonathan did. They just wore each other out. They read books, went on walks, played with toys, etc. He went home Monday morning. When we got home from work Monday, Jonathan walked around the house looking for his Paw Paw. The he asked, "Where's Paw Paw?" Poor baby just doesn't understand why people have to leave.
Saturday was Jonathan's Half-Birthday. Yes, we feel for the baby that his birthday is so close to Christmas, so he got a mini-party for his Half-Birthday. I made cupcakes, and he and Mark decorated them with sprinkles. They did a really nice job (and made a really nice mess). His Paw Paw got him a remote control car. It has two buttons, forward and turn/reverse. He loves it. We got him a couple of toys, so he is in hog heaven with new stuff to play with. My parents sent him a Thomas the Train DVD and some new books that he has to read every day. Our little baby is 18 months old. My how fast time flies. I wish so much that I could make time slow, if just for a moment.
Jonathan absolutely loves books. He wants to read them over and over. Then he gets tired of us reading them to him, so he goes and reads them by himself. Right now his favorites are his two Thomas the train books, Elmo animal book, The Big Red Barn, two Christmas books, and about four picture/word identification books. And yes, we read them all, all the time. Which is fine with us. Mark and I can about read some of them with our eyes closed!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Old Video of Jonathan
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Jonathan and Mark Video Conference
I started physical therapy on Tuesday for my knee. Yes, the physical therapist is going to physical therapy. Ironic, I know. I tore the meniscus in my knee when I was six but it has been bothering me a lot lately. So, I'm going to therapy to hopefully postpone surgery. It was an interesting experience being the patient again. Plus my knee is so sore today! I think I like being the PT better than being the patient. Oh well, back again tomorrow for more Pain and Torture as Mark likes to call it.
Jonathan is starting to go pee-pee in the potty both at home and at school. He is so proud of himself and we are so very proud of him. He is such the big boy. I should really get video of the 'pee-pee in the potty' dance that we do for him when he does go. It would be hilarious. Jonathan is quite entertained by us acting silly for him. Which, of course, we are more than glad to do at any and all times. Two of the girls in his class are also starting to work on pottying. We are all hoping that they will encourage each other to learn this pottying thing. And I just have to praise God for all our blessings. His doctor said that Jonathan would probably be late potty training, but here he is already starting to work on it. We still have a ways to go, but it is just so calming to see something actually going in the right direction. Thank you Lord.Those are my ramblings for today. Thanks to each of you for being a part of our lives. We would not be the people we are or the people we hope to be without you. And many praises and thanks to the Lord for all of our blessings. I am so thankful for each day with Jonathan. He is such a blessing to us. He makes us so very, very happy.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Visit From Friends and Mowing the Grass
Jonathan is learning new words every day and is putting two words together. Tonight it was "elbow." He loves to do body parts, and teeth are his favorite. Tonight in the tub, I was trying to get him to wash the different body parts himself. (He loves to wash himself). When I asked him to get his elbows, he pokes them both at me and says elbow as clear as could be. He gets so proud of himself when he gets a new word out too. It is very sweet. Other favorite words are puppy, Paw Paw (for both of them), mo' mik (more milk), peez (please), hep me (help me), bye-bye Daddy, and he's just starting to say i-uv-u (approximation of I love you).
We have had a great weekend. We were worried about our little man being sick on Friday, but he bounced right back Saturday. It was really nice to catch up with our friends as well.
Mark is going to Seattle tomorrow for the week. Please keep him in your prayers as he travels and us as we go it alone. And thanks to everyone who has prayed for my cousin. He is home and doing a little better. He got engaged this week. He had already planned to ask her and didn't want to wait any longer! God is so good. We are so very blessed. Here's hoping that each of you have a truly blessed and happy week.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Travelers' Baseball Game
We had such a good time being together. Each day is such a blessing and a joy with our little man. He is just so very, very happy and so excited to see what each day has to offer. God has blessed us beyond our comprehension.
Prayer Request: We had a bit of a scare today. We found out that my cousin, Scott, had a very bad car accident last night. He swerved to avoid a deer and rolled his truck. They had to cut him out of the truck. He has fractured his C2 vertebrae. This is the second vertebrae in his neck and is extremely serious. The doctors have told him that he is extremely lucky to be alive and to have survived the removal from the truck. He also has a broken collar bone, a torn rotator cuff, and possibly a broken wrist and elbow on the other arm. Please lift him up in prayer for healing of his body and also praise God that He was with him and protected him through this horrible ordeal. The doctors believe that he will not have any paralysis, however, he will have to be extremely careful of his neck for the rest of his life. God truly had his hand on Scott to keep him here with us. Thank you Lord for watching over Scott, and thank each of you for praying for him. This picture is from last September of Scott and Jonathan. Scott is just so good with kids. Jonathan loves him to pieces!